I wanted to find a company where I could stay, develop and grow.
Tell us about your role here at Alfa Laval?
I drive our Energy Hunter program, focused on energy efficiency for sales and marketing of our heat transfer equipment.
Tell us about the culture and life at Alfa Laval?
Everyone is ready to help out. It's easy to reach out within the organization. People are willing to share and learn from each other. There’s movement between teams and geographically.
What role does innovation play in your function?
There’s innovation to think in new ways, new business models, and new ways to convey our messages.
How important is collaboration to you and your work?
Very. I work across the Energy division with many different roles and across our global sales organization.
How do you see Alfa Laval pioneering positive impact, and how are you contributing to this?
I believe Alfa Laval has a perfect spot in the energy transition. We are part of the solution. My work promotes energy efficiency, and I am very proud of that.
I believe Alfa Laval has a perfect spot in the energy transition. We are part of the solution. My work promotes energy efficiency, and I am very proud of that.
Jenny Jamot Business Development Owner, Energy Efficiency
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