We’re looking for
23/F, Golden Bell Plaza, 淮海路东段, Shanghai, China, 200021
Full time
Every day, we get opportunities to make a positive impact – on our colleagues, partners, customers and society. Together, we’re pioneering the solutions of the future and unlocking the full potential of precious resources. Trusted to act on initiative, we challenge conventional thinking to develop world-leading technologies that inspire progress in vital areas, including energy, food, water and shipping.
As we push forward, the innovative, open spirit that fuels our 140-year-old start-up culture and rapid growth also drives our personal growth. So, as we shape a more resourceful, less wasteful world, we build our careers too.
About the job:
• Secure a strong HSE and quality culture within the team.
• Manage and develop team capabilities to support the overall Service strategy.
• Lead the team giving the direction and ensuring that they are performing with a strong customer orientated mindset.
• Develop, motivate and coach direct reports and secure a proper competence development.
• Manage performance issues within the team appropriately and quickly.
• Adapt quickly availability of internal resources based on customer demands.
• Ensure that jobs are executed according to importance in close cooperation with coordinators.
• Implement continuous safety and efficiency improvements based on ALPS board meetings as well as by innovative processes and technologies.
• Conduct employee reviews, including competence profile and skills matrix updates accordingly.
We care about diversity, inclusion and equity in our recruitment processes. We also believe behavioral traits can provide important insights into a candidate's fit to a role. To help us achieve this we apply Pymetrics assessments, and upon application you will be invited to play the assessment games.
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