We’re looking for
About the Company:
In Alfa Laval, we are every single day contributing to a more sustainable future for our planet through engineering innovation. Our global team designs and implements the refining, recycling and purifying process that allows our customers to be better themselves. You will find our work in leading applications for water purification, clean energy, food production, waste processing, pharmaceutical development and much more. The people of Alfa Laval enjoy the freedom to pursue ideas and the resources to see those ideas to become reality, in an environment that welcomes drive, courage and diversity. The result is a company where we all can be very proud of what we do.
Our core competencies are in the areas of heat transfer separation, and fluid handling. We are dedicated to optimizing the performance of our customers' processes. our world-class technologies, our systems, equipment, and services must create solutions that help our customers stay ahead.
Please feel free to peruse our website www.alfalaval.com
The position / About the Job:
Owning the local digital strategy and channels. Responsible for the development, implementation, tracking, and optimization of the long-term digital strategy and short-term activation across all digital channels to ensure brand positioning and business generation. Designs, execute and monitor digital activities coming from marketing plan to meet prioritized business needs. Lead for activating local online sales strategy to accelerate digital transformation.
Who you are:
Workplace & Reporting
The position is located at India Customer Center at Dapodi, Pimpri Chinchwad. The position reports to Head of Marketing, India Cluster
Why should you apply
We always look for both experience and potential, so if you think you have what it takes to join us and are curious to find out more, apply
"We care about diversity, inclusion and equity in our recruitment processes. We also believe behavioral traits can provide important insights into a candidate's fit to a role. To help us achieve this we apply Pymetrics assessments, and upon application you will be invited to play the assessment games.
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