We’re looking for
Via Pusiano 2, Monza, Monza e Brianza, Italy, IT - 20900
Full time
ALFA LAVAL is a Swedish multinational company operating in Italy for over 100 years with several sales offices, manufacturing and research and development.
At Alfa Laval, we always go that extra mile to overcome the toughest challenges. Our driving force is to accelerate success for our customers, people and planet. You can only achieve that by having dedicated people with a curious mind. Curiosity is the spark behind great ideas. And great ideas drive progress.
As a member of our team, you thrive in a truly diverse workplace based on empowerment. You are here to make a difference. Constantly building bridges to the future with sustainable solutions that have an impact on our planet’s most urgent problems. Making the world a better place. Every day.
Our driving force is to accelerate success for our customers, people and planet.
The Field Service Italy is looking for a Field Service Coordinator for Monza site.
Who you are
We are looking for a person with:
What about the job
In your role you will:
What you know
You have:
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© 2015-2025, Alfa Laval
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