We’re looking for

Field Service Engineer

Calle 100 #19A-30, Santa Bibiana, Bogotá, Colombia

Full time

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About the job

Field Service Engineer

  • Bogotá
  • Full time

If you have had previous field service experience, or this is your career interest and are looking for a new challenge, join our team of Field Service Engineers!

o Responsible for executing maintenance and minor repairs on standard products at the customer site as well as through our Digital Service Center (located in Funza, Colombia).
o Investigate and resolve technical problems on standard products at the customer site as well as through our Digital Service Center (located in Funza, Colombia).
o Preparation of the service job to execute/resolve at the shortest possible time.
o Follow up on actions and promises made to customers.
o Write service report on site and get it signed by the customer.
o Update service execution IT system with relevant information.
o Report unsafe practices, and incidents and work for continuous improvement.
o Capture Installed Base on site and communicate sales opportunities to the sales organization.
o Proactive recommendation to customers for purchase of spares.
o Execute service in our Service Centre if required (located in Funza, Colombia).



- Engineering degree (mechanical or electrical).

- Specific technical knowledge:

- Heat exchange.

- Separation.

- English intermediate (understands and can have written and verbal interactions).

- Travel availability 80%

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