We’re looking for
Alfa Laval, we always go that extra mile to overcome the toughest challenges. Our driving force is to accelerate success for our customers, people, and planet. You can only achieve that by having dedicated people with a curious mind. Curiosity is the spark behind great ideas. And great ideas drive progress.
As a member of our team, you thrive in a truly diverse and inclusive workplace based on care and empowerment. You are here to make a difference. Constantly building bridges to the future with sustainable solutions that have an impact on our planet’s most urgent problems. Making the world a better place, Every day.
About the job
The activities of Alfa Laval Food Systems Business Unit are divided into the following product areas: Oils & Fats, Agro & Protein, Brewery, and Evaporation Systems.
As part of this graduate program, you will get a chance to gain insights into engineering activities in your chosen industry by participating and driving multiple projects.
Alfa Laval Engineering graduate program offers talented and motivated young professionals an opportunity to apply and expand their knowledge, acquire new skills, and learn from skilled engineers in the industry.
As an Alfa Laval graduate, you’ll be considered a permanent employee from day one, solve business challenges, and become part of a large network of professionals in a global organization.
Key activities
During the graduate program, you will develop and implement projects within your ‘core’ industry, Oils & Fats Systems (Covering Edible Oil, HVO and Biofuel processing equipment):
You will also participate in an in-depth rotation in one of the other industries of the Food Systems Business Unit. During your rotation, you will get the chance to:
Program Structure
Throughout both years, you'll have the chance to take part in various internal Alfa Laval trainings, allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of the core components.
Who you are
You are about to complete or have just finished your master’s degree in Process Engineering, Chemical Engineering, or a related field. It is also perfectly fine if you have a few years of work experience.
You are self-motivated and eager to learn. You are driven and see solutions rather than problems; you can effectively prioritize and execute tasks. A focus on continuous improvement is in your DNA. You take ownership of your work and hold yourself accountable for your actions and decisions. You build trust by engaging in open and clear communication with colleagues and stakeholders.
What you know
You are studying or you have just completed a degree in chemical or food engineering. You find motivation in working with process design within the Oils & Fats industry.
You are used to working with P&ID, PFD, Mass & Energy Balance, and the sizing of tanks and equipment.
You wish to be part of an international team with a focus on delivery of project milestones.
The position is based in our office in Søborg (Copenhagen), but approximately 45 travel days are expected.
The program will start on September 1st 2025.
For more information, please contact
Laura De Nuzzo, Learning & Development Specialist, at laura.denuzzo@alfalaval.com
Anabela Leite, Talent Acquisition Partner, anabela.leite@alfalaval.com
Are you interested? Please send us your application by Friday 28 of March 2025. Please include your CV and a motivational letter in the application.
Interviews for this position will be held on from the 22nd of April onwards.
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