We’re looking for
Soi Boonmeesab, Bang Phli-Tamru Road, Bang Phli, Samut Prakan, Thailand, 10540
Full time
At Alfa Laval, we always go that extra mile to overcome the toughest challenges. Our driving force is to accelerate success for our customers, people, and planet. This can only be achieved by having dedicated people with curious minds. Curiosity is the spark behind great ideas. And great ideas drive progress.
As a member of our team, you thrive in a truly diverse and inclusive workplace based on care and empowerment. You are here to make a difference. Constantly building bridges to the future with sustainable solutions that have an impact on our planet’s most urgent challenges. Making the world a better place. Every day.
Who are you?
You are a self-motivated team player with the ability to easily network in an international and cross-cultural environment, working in line with Alfa Laval drivers; Action, Interaction, and Satisfaction. You are driven and see solutions rather than problems, effectively prioritizing and executing tasks. A focus on continuous improvement is in your DNA. You build trust, by clear communication with no prestige.
If the above sounds like you, this graduate trainee program might be just what you’re looking for!
About the program
This 12-month program consists of a variety of meaningful assignments and projects including a 3-month divisional rotation. These assignments will provide exposure in business development, project management, product application, and services with a focus on on-the-job training experience that is aimed at providing a holistic and inclusive approach towards building a strong engineering foundation for the graduate within Alfa Laval.
At the completion of this program, we aspire to convert successful graduates into permanent functional roles in Thailand (Bangkok) and thereafter continuing their journey within Alfa Laval.
What You Know
Bachelor's or Master’s degree in Engineering.
Fresh graduates or candidates with 1 year of experience.
Excellent written and verbal communication skills and a strong willingness and ability to learn.
A positive attitude and a growth mindset, as well as flexibility and creativity.
Highly self-motivated team player with good analytical skills, creative thinking and results-driven.
Ability to multi-task and good in problem solving.
Application timeline
Please send in your application by 1st April 2025.
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