We’re looking for
1, Fontanil Cornillon, France, 38120. 10, Nevers, France, 58028
Full time
The WHE Product Group embraces all Operations functions related to the Welded product range, and work in close collaboration with R&D over to Service, Sales & Market Support.
Are you interested in the challenge to be part of transforming our products & supply chain to meet the future demands within the Welded Business? You will be working with an organization that will develop both its capacity as well as its capabilities.
The position we offer is part of a strategically important and energetic project management organisation located in Product Group WHE with focus on engineer to order projects with higher complexity.
Your Challenge
As a member of the PMO, you will support the following:
Supervise and lead the project team
Support and apply common processes and templates to ensure consistent approach.
Manage the project budget
Act as liaison between different stakeholders
Accountable for the end result and milestone passages
Authority to make decisions, manage the project budget
Your profile
You have a bachelor's degree in engineering and project management experience for similar applications and customers, to include the following preferences:
Ensure customer requests flow smoothly into and through the entire order cycle
Ability to manage customer projects to secure that project goals are met, customer’s expectations are fulfilled & that the customer relation is handled in the best possible way within the scope of the contract
Ability to manage customers, suppliers, and internal functional groups
Good cooperation & communication skills; strong level of transversal management and leadership
Structured and analytical, you are positive and solution driven
Ability to plan and execute projects
Ability to multi-task, and adjust priorities
Ability to sell ideas and motivate others
Ability to manage information flow for project and risk management to ensure all projects are delivered on time, on budget, as per scope and to quality KPIs as a minimum
Proficient with Microsoft office, including project management tools
We offer a challenging and exciting career opportunity to work in close cooperation with all functions at Business Unit and Product Group level.
Up to 20 days of travel per year, national and international (estimation)
The position is based at Fontanil (France)
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