We’re looking for
Infinity Business Centre, 18th Floor, Office No.: 4, Kolkata, India, 1. B-52, 5th Floor, New Delhi, India, 110 001
Full time
Alfa Laval India is looking for the Regional Sales Manager (After Sales Support) - FHT (Heat Transfer) based in Pune / Bangalore.
With the purpose of accelerating success for our customer, people and planet, Alfa Laval has developed products since 1883. Alfa Laval is today a world leader within the key technology areas of heat transfer, separation, and fluid handling.
Alfa Laval is a well-established and a leading brand in the region India and has its country headquarter in Pune, with network of service centers, sales offices, sales channels, agents and Authorized Service Providers across the region.
India is also a group manufacturing site for High-Speed Separators, Decanters, Heat Exchangers and Fluid handling equipment and has a parts distribution Centre.
Please feel free to peruse our website www.alfalaval.com
The position / About the Job:
In this role Regional Sales Manager (After Sales Support) - FHT (Heat Transfer) will be responsible for
Who you are -
As a Regional Sales Manager, you will develop and grow the business. You Demonstrate core values – Action, courage, profit, teamwork.
What you can be -
The location?
Why should you apply
Interested? Please apply for the position.
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