We’re looking for
Via Pusiano 2, Monza, Monza e Brianza, Italy, IT - 20900
Full time
Alfa Laval Marine Division is looking for an Associate Product Manager. The work location is in Monza, Italy.
About the job
We offer an interesting job opportunity within the Marine Division for you who enjoy working in a dynamic and global market. You will be based in Monza and report to Product Manager Fuel Supply System.
Management Level: Individual contributor
As an Associate Product Manager, you will be part of the Product Unit Marine Separation & Fuel Supply Systems and will be responsible for supporting Product Management function in reaching the target related to product quality, cost controlling and life cycle management. You will work closely with R&D, Global Sales and Engineering & Supply (order execution) Teams.
Key tasks:
· Monitor and improve product quality assigning and monitoring KPI, defining and leading Key Investigation activities.
· Develop and maintain quality processes to be applied during product lifecycle and follow up their implementation.
· Monitor product costs and join / initiate / drive cost reduction initiatives.
· Support the yearly product cost updating process.
· Develop and maintain product configuration and sales tools.
· Ensure product development activities are aligned with product roadmap.
· Ensure service organization is prepared and trained to support the product lifecycle by monitoring spare parts availability, Service engineer training, product documentation.
Who you are
· You are passionate about product management and willling to take the extra mile to ensure that products included in the portfolio are the most suitable for the market .
· As a person you are positive, flexible and customer driven with a target-oriented mindset as well as a solution-oriented team player.
· You have the ability to collaborate with other departments and create results by engaging and leading others as well network in a matrix organization.
· You are business oriented, have a structured mindset and good communication skills on all levels.
What you know
· You’ve a technical background
· You’ve good knowledge level of Microsoft Excel
· You’ve minimum 2 years experience in a technical role or product related role.
· You’re familiar with quality processes and product cost structures
· You have good communication skills in English both in speaking and writing.
· Background from maritime industry is a clear plus
What’s in it for you
We offer an inspiring and challenging position in an open, friendly, and global environment where we work together to develop business and create value for our colleagues and customers. Your work will have a true impact for a cleantech and Alfa Laval’s future success.
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