We’re looking for
5400 International Trade Drive, Richmond, Virginia, United States, 23231
Full time
Duties: Responsible for executing and providing technical support to customers including commissioning, installing, testing, repairing, maintaining, condition monitoring and energy audits on products, modules and systems at customer site. Repairing mechanical, electrical and electronic components for decanters, high speed separators, and heat exchangers. Troubleshooting, investigating and resolving technical problems with applications utilizing deep product knowledge at customer site. Training customers on the features of products they have purchased. Preparing service job to execute/resolve at the shortest possible time. Following-up on actions and promises made to customers. Writing advanced (external/internal) service reports on site and obtaining customer signatures. Updating service execution IT system with relevant information. Reporting unsafe practices, incidents and work for continuous improvement. Capturing Installed Base on site and communicating sales opportunities to sales organization. Providing proactive service advice to customers relating to the 360 service portfolio and executing service in Service Centers. Communicating product related change notifications (Service Bulletins). Training Field Service engineers if appointed as trainer or mentor for ALSOC. Supervising and overseeing service jobs within the scope of expertise.
Requirements: Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical/Mechanical/Chemical Engineering, or a related field (or foreign equivalent degree) plus three (3) years of related field service experience in repairing mechanical, electrical and electronic components for decanters, high speed separators, and heat exchangers.
Driver’s license. Must be able to respond to emergency storm duty and must be available to work overtime (including during the night) and on weekends as needed to meet business demands. Domestic travel 75% to 100% of the time to customer locations in the East Coast and other parts of the U.S.
Employer: Alfa Laval, Inc.
Location: 5400 International Trade Drive, Richmond, VA 23231
To Apply: Send C-V to ALNA.HRSSC@alfalaval.com
EEO/Vet/Disabled Employer
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