We’re looking for
Via Pusiano 2, Monza, Monza e Brianza, Italy, IT - 20900
Full time
Global Product Manager – Fuel Supply Systems, Service
We create better everyday conditions for people. We do this by contributing to a more sustainable future through engineering innovation. We love what we do and we’re good at it. But now we want to be even better! We’re looking for a passionate Global Product Manager to our WWF Service, Product Sales Department.
BU Water, Wind and Fuel Solutions (WWF) - Service is responsible for all after sales business in Marine and Diesel applications, within Alfa Laval. It covers spare parts, retrofitting, upgrading, replacement, and onboard/onsite services.
Alfa Laval holds a strong market position in this highly competitive and international market. We will take the next step to further strengthen our position, with a Global Product Manager – Fuel Supply Systems - Service, to continue to create outstanding customer experience.
About the job
You will be responsible for providing technical product and application support to customers, sales companies (field service & service centers) and central teams for for Fuel Supply Systems (FCM Oil, FCM MeOH, FCM LPG, Viscochief, Fuel Supply Pumps and new portfolio to cover alternative marine fuels) in WWF Service.
What you know
Who are you?
You are technical oriented, service minded with a positive approach, and you strive for customer satisfaction. You are highly motivated to share your expertise with your colleagues and customers. You are a solution focused person with the ability to understand the core of complex problems, being able to find solutions to solve complex problems, being persistent in finding solutions and seeing the opportunities in complexities.
What’s in it for you?
We offer a challenging position in an open and friendly environment where we help each other to develop and create value for our customers. Your work will have a true impact on Alfa Laval’s future success.
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