We’re looking for
Alfa Laval Nijmegen B.V. is a market leader in gas treatment systems and services. We develop, sell, and produce equipment for the maritime industry, to support customers in meeting current and future needs in emission reduction and safety.
Our Service team has a strong global presence through multiple service- and distribution centres. As a service organization we are customer focused, act as a reliable partner and ensure care-free operation at predictable costs, by offering an extensive service portfolio.
About the job
You are responsible to perform maintenance and commissioning services on board of ships.
Who you are
Customer centricity is in your DNA. You go the extra mile to offer the best possible service to our customers.
Further, you have:
Don’t have the experience, but still think you are a good fit for this role? We welcome new talent with the right traits and mindset, so please apply via the button below to learn about our opportunities.
What we offer
You will become part of a diverse team of multidisciplinary (technical) colleagues on our service department. You help our customers to reduce harmful emissions and work towards a better planet.
The job benefits include:
Do you want to be a part of Alfa Laval Nijmegen?
Are you curious? Use the button below to apply directly – in Dutch or English.
Not ready to apply yet? Please contact me for more information or other career opportunities at Alfa Laval Nijmegen.
Rachid L’Bouny
+31 (0)645256520
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