We’re looking for
Alfa Laval in Lund, Sweden is looking for a Marketing Project Manager
We create better everyday conditions for people. We do this by contributing to a more sustainable future through engineering innovation. We love what we do and we’re good at it. But now we want to be even better! We’re looking for a Market Analyst and Project Manager to work and develop our market communication and online presence. So, what are you going to do today?
Who you are
You enjoy all aspects of developing a company’s global marketing activities. You have great understanding of marketing and communications and what makes good business sense. You prefer to work in a solution-oriented manner, taking strategies and plans into action. You are self-driven, outgoing and a team player!
About the job
The job is both strategic and operational, focused on managing marketing projects in close cooperation with several business stakeholders and team colleagues. Your role is two-part. For one part, you will be utilizing market and customer insights to scope and define marketing automation use cases in order to develop global campaigns for Alfa Laval’s energy efficiency offerings. As an interface between marketing and sales you will manage projects in line with strategy and be operational in planning, execution, and implementation of global marketing activities. You will monitor progress and results; and continuously work to improve results and impact in order to nurture and generate leads.
For the other part of your role, you will manage high level strategic events, seminars and exhibitions to drive Alfa Laval Energy Division’s strategy in close cooperation with internal and external stakeholders, vendors and agencies.
What you know
You have a bachelor’s degree or equivalent education in Marketing and Communications and several years’ experience working with market and customer analysis, business development and digital marketing. You have experience from working with insight and analytics and hands on in martech platforms, analysis tools and database management. You also have experience from managing larger international events, seminars and exhibitions.
You have 8-10 years’ experience marketing 6 communications in a larger international B2B company or from the agency or consultancy side. You are confident in your marketing competence and ability manage and execute complex projects and contribute to the goals of Alfa Laval, Energy Divisions strategy. You are fluent in English both verbally and in writing.
What’s in it for you?
We offer a both inspiring and challenging position in an open, friendly and international environment where we work together to develop and create value for our customers.
Your direct manager will be located in Lund Sweden
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