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Shipowner Sales

Fixed_Term JR0028920 Shanghai China Shanghai, China
At Alfa Laval, we always go that extra mile to overcome the toughest challenges. Our driving force is to accelerate success for our customers, people and planet. You can only achieve that by having dedicated people with a curious mind. Curiosity i...

Robotics Expert

Regular JR0028568 Qingdao City Shandong China Qingdao City, Shandong, China
At Alfa Laval, we always go that extra mile to overcome the toughest challenges. Our driving force is to accelerate success for our customers, people and planet. You can only achieve that by having dedicated people with a curious mind. Curiosity i...

Production Engineer

Regular JR0028230 Qingdao City Shandong China Qingdao City, Shandong, China
At Alfa Laval, we always go that extra mile to overcome the toughest challenges. Our driving force is to accelerate success for our customers, people and planet. You can only achieve that by having dedicated people with a curious mind. Curiosity i...