We’re looking for
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• Secure a strong QHSE culture within the service centres and field service organization.
• Strong alignment of Service Operations capability development with divisional Managers responsible for Service linked to the overall Service strategy, focus areas and sales activities.
• Lead the Service Operations Management team giving the direction and ensuring that they are performing according to the Service strategy with a strong customer orientated mindset.
• Develop, motivate and coach direct reports to secure resource & development plans linked to the Service strategy are in place and executed.
• Fully responsible for the Service Operations cost centre forecast and result including investments strongly aligned with Service sales as well as monitor progress against financial targets.
• Support proactive service sales by lead generation in collaboration with Service sales.
• Manage customer relationships internally and externally) towards an excellent customer experience.
• Drive efficiency improvements in Service Operations by innovative processes and technologies and drive change management to adapt to new market demands to increase competitiveness.
• Secure that relevant KPIs are in place to measure and improve performance.
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