We’re looking for

Team Member - Warehouse

1, Pioneer, Singapore, 629637

Full time

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About the job

Team Member - Warehouse

  • Singapore
  • Full time
Every day, we get opportunities to make a positive impact – on our colleagues, partners, customers and society. Together, we’re pioneering the solutions of the future and unlocking the full potential of precious resources. Trusted to act on initiative, we challenge conventional thinking to develop world-leading technologies that inspire progress in vital areas, including energy, food, water and shipping. As we push forward, the innovative, open spirit that fuels our 140-year-old start-up culture and rapid growth also drives our personal growth. So, as we shape a more resourceful, less wasteful world, we build our careers too.

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Adult, Female, Person, Woman, Male, Man, Mobile Phone, Glasses, Laptop, Monitor

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